·         Describe the eight steps in the decision-making process!
The decision-making process consists of eight steps:
1.       Identify problem
2.       Identify decision criteria
3.       Weight the criteria
4.       Develop alternatives
5.       Analyze alternatives
6.       Select alternative
7.       Implement alternative
8.       Evaluate decision effectiveness

·         Explain the four ways managers make decisions.
The assumptions of rationality are as follows:
1.       The problem is clear and unambiguous
2.       A single, well-defined goal is to be achieved
3.       All alternatives and consequences are known
4.       The final choice will maximize the payoff
Rationality describe choices that are logical and consistent and maximize value.
Bounded rationality says that managers make rational decisions but are bounded (limited) by their ability to process information.

·         Classify decisions and decision-making conditions.
Programmed decisions are repetitive decisions that can be handled by routine approach and are used when the problem being resolved is straightforward, familiar, and easily defined (structured).
Non-programmed decisions are unique decisions that require a custom-made solution and are used when the problems are new or unusual (unstructured) and for which information is ambiguous or incomplete.
Certainty is a situation in which a manager can make accurate decisions because all outcomes are known.
Uncertainty is a situation in which a manager is not certain about the outcomes and cannot even make reasonable probability estimates.
Risk is a situation in which manager can estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes.

·         Describe different decision-making styles!
A person’s thinking style reflects two things: the source of information you tend to use (external or internal) and how you process that information (linear or non-linear).
The linear thinking style is characterized by a person’s preference for using external data and processing this information through rational, logical thinking.
The non-linear thingking style is characterized by a preference for internal sources of information and processing this information with intenal insigths, feeling, and hunches.

·         How biases affect decision making?
The 12 common decision-making errors and biases include:
1.       Overconfidence
2.       Immediate gratification
3.       Anchoring
4.       Selective perception
5.       Cofirmation
6.       Framing
7.       Availability
8.       Representation
9.       Randomness
10.   Sunk costs
11.   Sel-serving bias
12.   Hindsight

·         Identify effective decision-making techniques!
The techniques for effective decision-making process are:
1.       Focuses on what’s important
2.       Is logical and consistent
3.       Acknowledges both subjective and objective thinking and blends both analytical and intuitive approaches
4.       Requires only ‘enough’ information as is necessary to resolve a problem
5.       Encourages and guides gathering relevant information and informed opinions
6.       Starightforward, reliable, easy to use, and flexible
The five habbit of highly reliable organizations are:
1.       Not being tricked by their succeses
2.       Defering to experts on the front line
3.       Letting unexpected circumstances provide solution
4.       Embracing complexity
5.       Anticipating, but also recognizing, limits

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