·         Define workplace diversity and explain why managing it is so important!
Workplace diversity is the ways in which people in an organization are different from and similar to one another. Managing diversity is imporatant for three resons:
1.       People management benefits
Better use of employee talent, increased quality of team problem-solving efforts, and ability to attract and retaindiverse employees.
2.       Organizational perform benefits
Reduced cost, enhanced problem solving ability, and improved
3.       Strategic benefits
Increased understanding of diverse maketplace, potential to improve sales and market share, competitive advantage because of improved innovation efforts, and viewed as moral and ethical.
·         Explain the differnet types of diversity found in workplaces!
The differebt types of diversity in workplaces include:
1.       Age (older workers and younger workers)
2.       Gender (male or female)
3.       Race and ethnicity (racial and ethnic classifications)
4.       Disability/ abilities (people with dissability that limits major life activities)
5.       Religion (religious beliefs and religious pratices)
6.       Sexual orientation and gender identity (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender)
·         What is the challenges managers face in managing diversity?
The two main challenges managers face are:
1.       Personal Bias
Bias is tendency or preference toward a particular perspective or ideology. Our biases can lead to prejudice, which is a preconcieved belief, opinion, or judgement toward a person or a group of people; stereotyping and discrimination.
2.       Glass ceiling
The glass ceiling is refers to the invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions.

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